Thursday, January 31, 2008

Captured by Robots Concert!

This is a unique one man concert with numerous working robots that play real instruments! He is on his Dubya Tour now were he dresses his robots as our fearless leader and his goons. He adds some great comic relief while rocking with his robots in a punk rock metal style of music! It is a concert I would highly recommend to anyone! Very unique, entertaining and absolutely amazing to see!!! Check them out here! Captured by Robots

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New York Minute

See what it was like for me to go to NYC for the first time.

NYC Photos

What a great city!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My favorite lyric...

Young leaders, little unsung heroes
You can run some meters, be a hoop or a track star
School teacher, scientist, or even
own your very own street, maybe even be a rap star
Times witcha, you could change whole pictures
Make a better situation, for your mother and yo' big mama
Make dollars, own a ride and a house
Get it right, use your powers, getting' everything you did want
Then the youth say, "Look at where I'm at now
Straight poverty, death is in my backyard
Dope dealers, get fifty G's a pack
While my teacher don't really give a damn about a black child!
And the grown folks say, 'tell the truth', then act fowl
Say 'no' to drugs, hidin' all they crack vials
And talk all about peace and love and God
But then why are we at war, killin' people in Iraq now?"

- Blackalicous -"The Craft" - Black Diamonds and Pearls.

Street Performers

Amazing young talent on the Mag Mile drum for some extra cash. My best go out them, they were a very entertaining to watch and listen to!

Eric Baillies Photography

Wonders in artistic expression?

It always seems to amaze me what sort of art or visual images are selected when people have a wide group or selection to pick from. Why creates there desire to what often times I feel is the worse image in the group? What are you thoughts on the images posted on my blog? Do you have one that does not belong? What makes a great image for you?

To me a great image is one that captures or expresses something deeper than the physical image. This is something that is very hard to express since that expression is something that can be different for each person viewing the image. With that in mind one would think that composition , lighting and direction would conquer in visual imagery, but that is often not the case. What drives you to an image? What make you like what you see or what makes you dislike something? I simply want you to be compelled by what you are looking at nothing more. I suppose you can't please everyone with any one image, so I guess I am just interested what people think of not only my art but art or photography in general.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

September 11th, 2007

The tribute in lights at ground zero stand out in the distance on Sept. 11th 2007.
All Rights Reserved 2007 Eric Baillies
Eric Baillies Photography

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reading Blog

I thought I would track any ideas or thoughts of a what I was currently reading at the present time. Yesterday I picked up Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father," of which I have found very compelling and very well written from the get go. My compulsion to pick this book up is driven from the sheer interest in who I believe would be the best thing for our country as the next president of the United States.
The book opens a wide variety of experiences and emotions for a very intelligent individual whose father is from Kenya and mother is white and from America. The experiences that Obama has during his childhood are extraordinary in a sense, from Hawaii to Indonesia Obama has more life experiences as a child than most people have in their entire life.

It is very rewarding to read and learn about someone who has become so prominent in today's society, yet to learn the similarities and battles he had as a child, teen and college student.

His perspective is incredibly in tune with the way I often think and see the world. It is driving me to read the book at a very fast rate. Confronting ones fears & an understanding of other peoples views while always open to suggestion and knowledge of something that is often times something that is simply misunderstood intrigue me to learn more about Obama.

Madison, WI

Madison is a unique mid sized city in the Midwest that prides itself with its capital dome lit here in October with a pink light to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

All Rights Reserved 2007 Copyright of
Eric Baillies Photography

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finding that right direction.

Have you ever thought you weren't sure if you were heading in the right direction in life? We all have our doubts and uncertainties in life at some time or another, but when do you really know if anything is right or wrong anyway? Why does this drive so many of us crazy in our everyday lives? Why should it, you have no control over it? Right? There will always be those certain people that have always known what they want to be when they are very young and excel very much at what they do. For those of us who are not so fortunate finding that niche or passion can be a very hard thing. I think these pressures and expectations from all sorts of different angles are one of the main contributions to the problem, since they don't forgive or judge on who or how smart you are, they are most definitely present. As someone who is always open for new things, new ideas and new people I think it is imperative to always keep a positive mindset and outlook. Because I believe one doesn't become angry, stressed, sad, or any sort of negative emotion, I believe they choose to enter that state of being unconsciously. Sure some things are depressing or will make you mad/sad or angry, but I think people become attached to that emotion for a different reason they are not able to recognize or address. I know its not a perfect world but if you were to choose between sad or happy, wouldn't a sane person choose happiness? Angry or nice? Stressed or Relaxed? Next time you feel irritated or angry at someone or something, simple observe what that emotion does to your psyche. Do not judge what you see, simply observe. I think you may be surprised what you find.

May there be peace on earth!

Any guesses what this is?

Any guesses what this is?, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Thoth in Central Park, NY

Thoth in Central Park, NY, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Thoth has an amazing life story and with an inspiring voice and performance!

MET abs

MET abs, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

The MET has something for everyone and is a must see for anyone who comes to NYC!

Three Sisters feet

Three Sisters feet, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Three Sisters

Three Sisters, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Eric Baillies Photography

Another MET photo I love!

Supercede in motion

Eric Baillies Photography

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Self Portrait Challenge

A search for the perfect self portrait is on... Any thoughts?

Eric Baillies Photography

Friday, January 18, 2008

Shelia on Rock of Gibraltor

Shelia on Rock of Gibraltor, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Eric Baillies Photography

Marissa and Harley

Marissa and Harley, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Marissa comforts her horse Harley after a 1st place ride in show.

Eric Baillies photography

Rebekah on set in Vanessa Rising

Actress Rebekah Voss battles the vices of depression in her film Vanessa Rising, produced by Brickhouse Pictures.

Eric Baillies photography

Hannah John Taylor

Hannah John Taylor, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Eric Baillies photography.

Fun in motion

Fun in motion, originally uploaded by ebaillies.

Just one of the many great shots from the Chicago Marriott Renaissance photo shoot.

Eric Baillies photography

One of my favorite portraits

Katie Portrait, originally uploaded by ebaillies.


Here are few new portraits I enjoy.

Eric Baillies Photography