So I think i have some of my best thoughts or ideas while in the shower. This is where the following idea came from, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
To think of the state of our nations economy is a very scary thought, however I feel that optimism and confidence is the only way we can think about our future.
The complexity and enormousness of the ideas that have placed us in the situation that we are in are both massive is size and scope. The recession stems from an increasing growth of a world market, inflation, greed & corruption (along with a dozen other things). It seems to me that the American people have been thrown to the side, all for the sake of a buck.
Lets face it, we cannot compete with prices of China with a population of over a billion and an equal amount of people living in poverty to the entire United States. This deployment of jobs overseas is the loss of true purchasing power. In the long term it increases costs, unemployment and the debt of the American people.
This is where I feel a deeply rooted problem of the state of our economy stems from. So what is the solution??
We need to bring the jobs and what it means to be American back. The sense of who we are as a people has strayed but isn't lost.
I don't claim to have the solution, but it occurred to me while in the shower, somewhere between the shampoo and body wash, that as long as companies motive for being in business is to turn a buck, you know you've dropped the soap.
Would it be feasible for the United States government to counter act this balance so that both businesses & consumers once more would benefit in different ways for those 3 short words?? MADE IN AMERICA.