Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Reading Blog

I thought I would track any ideas or thoughts of a what I was currently reading at the present time. Yesterday I picked up Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father," of which I have found very compelling and very well written from the get go. My compulsion to pick this book up is driven from the sheer interest in who I believe would be the best thing for our country as the next president of the United States.
The book opens a wide variety of experiences and emotions for a very intelligent individual whose father is from Kenya and mother is white and from America. The experiences that Obama has during his childhood are extraordinary in a sense, from Hawaii to Indonesia Obama has more life experiences as a child than most people have in their entire life.

It is very rewarding to read and learn about someone who has become so prominent in today's society, yet to learn the similarities and battles he had as a child, teen and college student.

His perspective is incredibly in tune with the way I often think and see the world. It is driving me to read the book at a very fast rate. Confronting ones fears & an understanding of other peoples views while always open to suggestion and knowledge of something that is often times something that is simply misunderstood intrigue me to learn more about Obama.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Hey Eric,

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'll keep in touch when I need assistance with a shoot.

Just browsing your blog too! I have a signed copy of Barack's book that he personally gave me when I was working with Annie Leibovitz when we photographed him a few years ago! He was such a great guy to meet! Keep in touch!

Make Change!